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General Questions:


Who were some of the key Influences of Living Waters?

Key influences in the development of Desert Stream/Living Waters include Kenn Gulliksen and John Wimber (the founders of the Vineyard Movement), Leanne Payne, Frank Worthen, and John Paul II.


Why is the cross mentioned so much?

The Cross is central to our programs as it is the greatest living witness of Jesus’ assuming our sins and wounds in order to raise up the new creation. We trust that persons who attend our groups come away with a greater understanding of the Cross as the key to healing.


Isn't confessing my sin to Jesus enough?

We have found that God consistently meets us and empowers change when we choose to confess our sins within a safe, confidential group.


Group Related Questions:


Why are Living Waters groups only run under the covering of a local church?

We believe in the authority of the local church. To open up deep and difficult areas of your life requires a kind of spiritual protection. We thus believe that local communities of faith are the best context for healing.


Are Living Waters groups for men and women?

Yes. Our teaching sessions and worship time are together and then we break into smaller, same-gender groups for the sake of accountability and healing prayer.


How are you different than AA/SA/NA and other 12 step groups?

Our groups complement 12-step support groups. Ours differ in having a beginning and an ending, and in how we incorporate healing prayer.


Can you help my child or friend who is under 18?

Unfortunately we cannot. You must be at least 18 to attend one of our programs. We do a list of resources for teens.


Same-Sex Attraction Related Questions:


Is Living Waters just for people who are trying to overcome unwanted same-sex attraction?

No. Our groups are for any Christian seeking to be pure and fruitful in their relationships. 


Are you an ex-gay ministry?

We certainly believe that identification with Christ displaces a homosexual identity. But our groups are open to all persons seeking wholeness. Approximately 90% of our local participants have no SSA (same-sex attraction).


Is this reparative therapy?

Our leaders are not therapists but our work incorporates some of the key psychological insights at the core of restoring persons with unwanted same-sex attraction. If you are interested in reparative therapy please contact The Alliance for Therapeutic Choice.



















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